Joined: 06 Jun 2004
Posts: 5
Location: NJ, USA - |EAST COAST|
Posted: Jun Sun 13, 2004 11:16 am Post subject: Hi, Again. - Been Away. - NEED HELP!
OK OK... So I beat the part with that plant and then you go upstairs twhere the guy is laying, and he give you the stuff but i don't know where to go after you get past all those guyz and you get to a long hallway and then theres like a gate that you cant get threw and the camera sorta shows whats in the gate. Can someone help me?
If homo-sexuals can't reproduce, then why are there so many of them???
Things I learned from MGS2: The point of sniping is one shot, one kill. Not thirty shots, one sea gull. Also, I enjoy abusing harmless animals.